Human Analytics in Job Interview

Human Analytics in Job Interview

Do not miss the opportunity! Rehearsal is the key, and the Emotional Job Interview APP is the perfect tool to improve and get to know yourself better!


Human Analytics in Job Interview


Prepare your Answers

Each interviewer has its way of knowing the aspirants, methods, and strategies to find out each one’s identity and choose the best one for the position. However, from our APP and website, we can offer you a small guide with questions that are asked more often, and that can serve as guidance.

What are you going to ask me?


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1.- Prepare the Session (interview)

Find out everything you can about the company before going to the appointment.

Create a list of your weak points and prepare solid arguments to defend them.


Prepare the interview.


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It is used mainly in interviews to cover those positions that must be performed under conditions of great tensión. In these cases, the interviewer needs to know how the applicant reacts to the pressure element.



There are different methods of inducing stress situations to the job interview:

Video Recording the Interview as with Visual Job Hire – APP

Criticize the views of the applicant about some issues

Interrupt the interview


– Online Interview

There is also the online job interview where the Skype job interview or the WhatsApp job interview stand out.


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3.- How to do a perfect job interview?

What to avoid in a job interview?

The job interview is part of the personnel selection process where it is decided who is the person who stays with the position. Probably all the candidates who come to the interview meet a series of requirements that convince the company, so they are facing a privileged situation, and that is why it should not be missed.

For this, it is important to learn how to do a perfect job interview, with a series of guidelines and tips that we explain below.


How to go dressed for a job interview?

The dress you use to go to a job interview is very important, but you should not forget that hygiene is even more important. Clean nails and clean hair, as well as a good smell, will be essential for any type of job interview, regardless of the position. In addition, having good company information, and knowing your dress codes will help us make the right choice.


Formal dress for a job interview

When the position to which we want to opt is a high position of some important company, we must present ourselves to the interview with a suit and elegant shoes (to be able to be of dark colors and shoes according to this one).


When to wear casual attire in job interviews

If the job for which we went to an interview, is a job where suits and ties are not the most usual, we must go with a more casual dress. Some examples could be the marketing, advertising or internet companies, among many others. In these cases, a casual but elegant dress is the most appropriate.


What attitude should you have in a job interview?

The importance of the attitude in the job interview is essential to be successful and with real options to get us the desired job. But we should not always take the same attitude, that is, sometimes they will look for determined people with the ability to lead and give people, and in other times they will want obedient and submissive people.

That is why, a good investigation of the job, prior to the interview, as well as a correct perception of what the interviewer is looking for at the same time, will be vital to be able to adopt the correct attitude in the job interview.


How to answer in a job interview?

One of the keys to facing a successful job interview is a way to answer the questions you ask us. So, some tips can be:

Never answer with monosyllables, although it is important to be clear and concise in our response.

We must be correct, not too serious or make us funny.

Never lose your calm or your ways, even if our interviewer tries.


Look into the eyes and denote self-confidence.

We can also be prepared for some typical questions of the selection process, such as questions of strengths and weaknesses in the job interview.

Being prepared for these questions will help us to answer them with more confidence and security.


The best we can do is tell the truth, so it would not hurt to do self-criticism and find a defect that does not affect our workplace, or even if it affects, that does so in a positive way.


Of course, we will try to get out of the “I am too demanding with myself”, and be a little more original.


How to highlight strengths in an interview

Before the questions mentioned above, we also have the possibility to highlight our strengths, so we should not miss it. Let’s investigate what kind of qualities are needed for the job we choose and find the one we do have to highlight it when the time comes. Do not leave anything to chance, there may be the use of your life at stake.


What not to do in a job interview?

We must avoid these attitudes like: Being unpunctual: It will give us an image of irresponsible that will prevent us from being selected for employment.


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4.- References in the job interview

The interview is the last step in the job search process, and therefore, the most important. You must not forget it. Let’s say that you have sent the Resume and they have called you to conduct a personal interview.


It is very likely that the interviewers wait to know your references before making any offers. Having good references is a fundamental element to get good jobs, so do not neglect it. But let’s go in parts …


What is a personal referral and what is it for?

Referrals are documents where one person provides information about another, detailing their strengths and weaknesses or any other information that is relevant to the recipient, in this case, the interviewer.


What should a referral contain?

In the first place, the person who refers to establish what relationship has with you: where he or she knows you, for how long, how is the relationship … From this presentation, the person should explain what qualities he has seen in you that can make you eligible for the position. And it is expected that in the reference talk about your abilities, your level of responsibility and honesty, among other things.


When it comes to an employment reference, it is usually your ex-bosses (supervisors, employers …) who detail what your skills are, how was your performance and what is your potential …

I just finished College, what referral can I have?


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5. Non-verbal language in job interviews:

They call you for a job interview and dedicate long hours to review your resume and prepare answers for possible questions you may have, but many times we forget another language to which we should dedicate the same preparation: non-verbal language.


How do I greet my interviewer? What do I do with my hands during the interview? Do I cross my arms? Do I place them on the table? How do I move them when speaking? These simple gestures can subtract or add points in the personal interview.

Your gestures transmit as much as the answers you give to the interviewer, that’s why we give you the guidelines to get the non-verbal language to help you throughout the interview.


The greeting is key.

If the greeting with your interviewer is a handshake, it is important not to be too weak, but do not squeeze too much. Remember that it is the first contact with him so that by shaking hands you must transmit confidence without intimidating the interviewer.


Try to establish eye contact with the interviewer.

That to look at the eyes of the person interviewing you does not make you feel violent or uncomfortable, to avoid the look of the person with whom you speak denotes little transparency on your part.

If looking into the eyes is especially uncomfortable, you can try to fix your gaze on the space between the two eyebrows, just where the nose begins. Your interviewer will not notice that you avoid his gaze.


The first impression does count.

One of the issues that most headaches give candidates is what kind of clothes to choose for the interview. Clothing is important for recruiters when it comes to leaning for one candidate or another. Choose something that is true to your style but that adapts to the culture of the company. Investigate your dress code.

If you have time, a recommendation is to approach the place of the interview the day before the time of departure and observe how they dress the people who work in the company. It is recommended to use neutral colors and simple lines to give a positive first impression. Choose clothes that you feel comfortable with, as it will give you more confidence and confidence in yourself.


Do not forget to smile.

From the moment the interviewer receives you, until the farewell, try to keep the smile. The smile will make you look kind, receptive, friendly and, above all, sure of yourself.


Control your gestures

Try not to hide your hands under the table or under your legs to avoid moving too much and seem overactive. Crossing the arms in an interview is not a good idea, as it can make you look like an insecure, closed person and afraid of changes.

The most advisable thing is to support both hands on the table but without invading the space of the interlocutor, and that the gestures of the hands are executed according to your words.


Above all remember that the naturalness and tranquility when answering questions is something that interviewers value, so try to channel your nonverbal language mainly to convey security and tranquility but without your gestures are exaggerated or you notice that they are prepared.


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Prepare your Answers and check your Emotions!!


Each interviewer has its own way of knowing the aspirants, methods, and strategies to find out each one’s identity and choose the best one for the position.


However, from our Visual Job Hire APP, we can offer you a simple/guide with questions that are asked more often and that can serve as guidance.


Types of questions in the “Emotional Job Interview” – APP” interview

Each job interview is different. During the job interview, the interviewer can ask a multitude of questions on a wide variety of topics. However, there are always some questions that are repeated from one process to another and that will help us to be prepared.


In general, we can group the questions of the job interview in several types:

Personal questions:

These are general questions about hobbies and interests, often serve to break the ice and be accompanied by an informal chat.


Life questions:

They are questions oriented to know more about the previous experiences and background.


Test questions:

Are those questions whose objective is to verify information (or lack of information).


Hypothetical questions:

Are questions of the type “what would you do if …?”. They serve to evaluate your reactions and your abilities in order to solve concrete problems.


Attitude and personality questions:

These are questions that are aimed at knowing better your attitude towards sexual issues.


Creative thinking questions:

These are questions that require using creative thinking to solve concrete problems. They can remember those test questions to calculate the IQ, only they are more difficult. At first, they can be quite disconcerting, especially if they are not expected.


Definition questions:

Questions in which you ask about your points of view or your opinions about skills and techniques.


Pressure questions:

The interviewer deliberately uses to evaluate your reaction to the pressures.


There are many types of questions for the interview, as we have seen previously, for each of these types it is necessary to take into account certain aspects when responding during the job interview.

About the Author

By admin / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

Follow admin
on Jun 14, 2020

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