Costs of Hiring the WRONG Staff?

Costs of Hiring the WRONG Staff? Even in a transparent recruitment process that identifies a profile needed for each position, with the necessary skills and knowledge. There is a high chance to have wrong recruitment that generates frustration among HR managers and low customer satisfaction within the company. Costs of Hiring the WRONG Candidate? According […]

Honesty Score – Test & Hints

Honesty Score – Hints The ETC Honesty Score – Test  is a compilation of elements that we call “Checkpoints” that récord the body and verbal reactions of a person when is interrogated and through a detailed observation can be detected if they lie.     Honesty – Hints & Checkpoints ETC Honesty Score – […]

How to reduce Staff turnover with KH&W!

KH&W – Corporate Climate I. Reduce Staff Turnover When dealing with the issue of employee conservation, already undergoing the process of personnel search, hiring, and training. Mergers and Acquisitions and the hiring of highly experienced foreign personnel and at a lower cost. Another aspect that adds to the phenomenon of high turnover. In the US, […]

Human Analytics in Job Interview

Human Analytics in Job Interview Do not miss the opportunity! Rehearsal is the key, and the Emotional Job Interview APP is the perfect tool to improve and get to know yourself better!   Human Analytics in Job Interview   Prepare your Answers Each interviewer has its way of knowing the aspirants, methods, and strategies to […]

Why use a Supervisor Scoring System to evaluate Candidates?

  Scoring System to evaluate a Candidate? Experts say that the “Supervisor” have the “gut feeling” when a Candidate is lying. We all have to listen to our instincts. But there are potential problems trying to analyze and separate emotions. How to defend a lying Candidate or employee? How to support when we do […]

Abuse in a Boss – Employee relation

Abuse in a Boss – Employee relation

Abuse in a employement relation: causes, effects, and keys to understanding this phenomenon Human beings are relational beings, that is, we can only understand ourselves about others, and the central place where we learn to do it is the family. Statistics indicate that around 30-40% of families suffer some form of domestic or partner violence. […]

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