How to reduce Staff turnover with KH&W!

KH&W – Corporate Climate

I. Reduce Staff Turnover

When dealing with the issue of employee conservation, already undergoing the process of personnel search, hiring, and training.

Mergers and Acquisitions and the hiring of highly experienced foreign personnel and at a lower cost. Another aspect that adds to the phenomenon of high turnover.

In the US, employees of the baby boomers generation, of which thousands will leave their positions in the next years to retire.

II. Introduction – Reduce Staff Turnover:

Before offering a job. You should define precisely the profile of the employee who can develop the activities.

Professionals today have lost a lot of sense of loyalty to the company and may be willing to leave their country to meet their expectations.

They can change jobs in search of more significant professional development and a better salary today.

Organizations are they face a lack of maturity and commitment of the new generations since for the workers. The stability in a company does not represent an added value in their curriculum.

A more significant shortage of talent, changes in the employment relationship caused by competition and globalization. The aspiration of employees to improve cause the period of labor permanence to be short compared to some years ago.

When a person began as an assistant, and I could end up as a manager, many professionals are not loyal to the company.

They are willing to leave their country to meet their expectations. More than half of the employees consider their employment important, but only 27% value stability.

III. Developing Employees to reduce staff turnover:

The ideal world and the reality are confusing, the ideal was to have stability like our grandparents or parents. Previously it was common when a person entered to work in a company and with the passing of the years even becoming a director.

Nowadays stability is relative; “Three or four years are enough to mature within a company and climb positions.”

Companies are looking for new forms of contracting, such as outsourcing, home offices. These allow investments to be optimized and concentrated in strategic areas. The positions that face the most turnover are sales, low administrative and operational positions since these salaries are lower and variables.

The human resource is and should be the most valuable thing that the company has. But it also requires management and knowledge, talent, and training.

In a company, there are jobs in which life and health risks that should be the ones better paid; However, sometimes you pay for the work and sometimes for knowledge and experience.

The new generations seek a platform to develop and gain experience before migrating to a better job.

The permanence of workers in a position is given not only by salary but by issues such as the treatment of their bosses, image problems and work environment. The turnover of personnel represents an additional 30% of their annual operating costs.

It is essential to take care of employees since they are the image and voice of the company. The link between the client and management, so it is crucial to improve the work environment and implement smart recruitment strategies.

A high turnover rate is a significant problem, for some industries, finding, training and hiring a proper replacement can cost up to one-fifth of an employee’s annual salary. Representing a considerable expense for the company.

IV. Impact of recruiting to reduce staff turnover:

Put advertisements in the newspaper; If 50 resumes or job applications arrive, you have to put a group of people to analyze them.

Interview candidates and take psychometric exams and register on the payroll, formulate the contract and the employee’s credentials.

A new worker may have lower productivity during the first months or even accidents at work.

Whenever there is a change of personnel, for whatever reason. Loses are the company since psychologically the person is affected in personal and family matters.

Those who remain feeling afraid that they will be touched, they doubt whether the salary. The boss is great and they think of the worker who is doing better outside the company, “if he could get something better, then me too.”

The leading causes of employee turnover in a company are:

The salary and benefits offered by companies that do not meet the expectations of the employee.

The salary received is not proportional to work — problems with the immediate boss.

Employee lack of promotions and recognition of their work.

Working conditions not suitable for well-being because if the work they do has certain risks that endanger their health or their person, they will not return the next day and these costs will be expensive.

Work activities are not ideal for the employee: the employee may need the job, but if the events that are required are not appropriate to his person. The employee will leave the job as soon as he finds something he likes best.

Lack of a work environment in synergy: the unpleasant situation. Specific workplaces prevent good employees from developing and adapting to work.

Absence of promotions and recognition of merit.

The difference between a motivated employee and one who complains about their employment is the recognition of their work.

These are some internal causes that the employer must know to avoid the desertion of his human resource. They are factors that were within his company that can be controlled and even prevented.

The work is true to be paid, but it is also true that there are activities that are not pleasant. It depends not only on the job but also on who and how develops it.

Eight hours of sweeping floors and cleaning bathrooms is indeed a lot more exhausting than eight hours of sitting at a desk answering phones.

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It is also essential to decide who will manage specific tasks of the business. For example, a student can only work part-time, married people and adults tend to be held more responsible than single people. The commitment they have to maintain a family or workers with previous experience.

If you feel satisfied with the salary that is intended to be paid! It is important then to look very well at who is hired since the most valuable thing that a business can deposit in employees, which is prestige.

Extra alternatives that make it more desirable to remain at work:

Written recognition that the employee can take home, if given credit in front of his entire department, people appreciate it more.

Pay commissions for a certain number of sales.

Pay a bonus for punctuality to the most responsible employees.

Bonus per employee of the month: without entering the fixed salary.

Bonds in kind.

Performance bonus to the employees, the taste lasts approximately one week, a maximum of 15 days.

Excellent and conducive work climate.

Social Security, in most countries, is mandatory

Savings Fund in which a percentage of the salary is deducted each time it is paid. At the end of the year is delivered together with an extra that the company gives to the participants.

Make a honor roll in the employee rest area so that other employees can share it.

Offering options to obtain company shares or financing plans is a relatively inexpensive method of increasing the potential for long-term employee income.

Opportunities for promotion to reduce staff turnover:

Reward knowledgeable, skilled, and hard-working employees by gradually increasing their responsibilities and giving them more critical positions.

Do not overload employees to the point of exhaustion. The best way to make the staff begin to look for another job, it is also financially inefficient.

Employees with very long or stressful jobs will require salaries significantly higher than those who have regular hours of work.

Most of the time spent away from home is at work, and so it must be like the second home. The business owner or the boss must ensure that the environment that is lived in the workplace is healthy, harmonious, pleasant and peaceful. All employees must align their activities towards a goal to be in the workplace.

The same channel and make working hours and increase productivity, because only in this way can the desired result be achieved.

The work environment to reduce staff turnover:

In the job market cash is the one that commands, if you are willing to pay employees more than the competition would. They will be less likely to look for another job. An additional benefit of increasing the salary to employees is that It allows them to demand more.

Well-paid employees have an incentive to work harder and to commit to their work. Those who earn relatively little will generally not have the same level of dedication or loyalty.

The workload must be rebalanced because if an employee’s work is stressful, monotonous, difficult. There is an overload with additional work. It can cause productivity to plummet. In some cases even below the productivity level of the average pace of 40 hours a week.

It has been discovered that working excessively long hours can cause employees to take more time than average to perform the same tasks.

To deal severely with problems that require critical thinking or creativity. To commit more mistakes and waste your time participating in recreational or personal activities at work.

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Take into account the benefits that your top competitors offer to their employees. The competition starts to provide more generous benefits, they will still some of your talents.

A good health insurance plan can be offered to the employees to make the work more attractive and decrease the turnover rate and facilitate hiring.

Fostering friendly relationships with employees, colleagues, and bosses can act as a kind of family environment. There are cooperative relationships, conversations and even allow for better emotional intimacy, where workers feel comfortable talking, joking and making plans outside of work.

As long as it does not interfere with your duties if there are cold, unfriendly or emotionally distant employees. You can try to organize a fun outing with the working staff to allow you to lighten your spirits.

People tend to work harder when they think their jobs are essential, although even the best managers often forget it, it is surprisingly intuitive.

A sense of importance and responsibility, this will make their jobs seem more attractive. The possibility of a promotion or a future salary increase; Employees will not want to deal with more significant responsibilities without being rewarded for their work.

Our experts in the area of ​​personnel and business agree that one of the best ways to keep the turnover rate low is to ensure that the people hired are the right ones for the job.

Selecting the employees who have precisely the correct qualities and personality for employment guarantees. They will learn faster, perform better, below are some criteria before hiring staff.

Criteria for hiring personnel.

Abilities. Does this person have what it takes to increase the value of the company?
Intelligence. Does this person have the intelligence or creativity necessary to work under pressure?
Personality. Does this person fit the culture of your company? ETC is a great way to test it!
Commitment. Does this person’s life allow me to offer the kind of undertaking you are looking for?

The answers must guide more for good hiring of personnel in the company, which will allow having better employees.

Evaluations to reduce staff turnover:

If the company suffers from a high turnover rate, one of the best ways to discover the reason is to ask employees.

Conducting regular evaluations in which a qualified person meets with each employee. Talks with them about what they like and do not like about their work is a great way to make sure they feel valued and see that their concerns are recognized.

Evaluations should involve a round-trip exchange of information, should not be used as an opportunity to criticize employees since this is also their opportunity to criticize the same company,

The willingness to meet with employees must be maintained at a midpoint as long as their demands are reasonable and their intentions right.

Exit Interviews to reduce staff turnover

Even friendly and open companies with excellent work environments must sometimes let people leave. If the company has to do so. You have to take the opportunity to conduct a detailed exit interview with the dismissed employee before they leave.

Employees are more willing, to be honest in these types of interviews, although others have claimed that many will be less critical in the hope of getting a good recommendation. These are some of the questions that can be asked:

What were your favorite parts and the one you liked the least about the job?
Was there something that hindered the proper performance of your duties?
In the future, how could we avoid the kind of problems you had in your job?
Is there anything you want the company to have done differently?

Review and evaluate employee concerns to reduce staff turnover:

To make them feel valued, a reasonable effort is needed to analyze their concerns. Show them that there are efforts to support them in solving them if employees can see that their comments and suggestions are taken seriously.

They will value they are heard and that their opinions matter within the company’s business plan. This can make an even low-level employee feel happier with their work.

If you know that many of the employees complain about the fact that they feel disconnected from the rest of the company. You may want to consider the possibility of holding group events.

Employees of one sector of the company work with those of another industry during the day. This can give employees a superior perspective on the internal operation of the company.

A high turnover rate may not be a problem for the entire company, but to certain divisions and the origin may be something that department heads do not control; Also be the management style of the supervisor that causes the problem.

We must consider retraining the problematic managers before firing them and looking for a replacement. Active managers are essential for the success of a company, so investing in the ones you already have can reduce the turnover rate.

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The single cost of a short-term management course is generally much less than the time and money wasted in replacing an employee in a highly specialized management position with a high salary.

The perception of an employee can have a more significant effect on his satisfaction with the job than even the salary. The hours of work or benefits. Considering the possibility of alternating roles for disgruntled employees.

There could be productive employees who do not perform, although they could work hard. Their personality or ability can prevent them from achieving all the potential that their position requires; In these cases, we must avoid firing it until it has been taken into account to place it in other position.

No one who is well trained should be fired; if it is done, the company will be forced to undergo the costs of finding and preparing a replacement without recovering the money invested in a perfectly competent employee.

For example, in order not to hurt the feelings of the workers. We must avoid telling that the performance is low and that the company thinks that it would do better in a different position. On the contrary, we must focus on the positive aspects.

Being aware of the language used in this situation can make a difference in your thinking and see it as a new promotion instead of as a category decline.

Avoid constant reorganizations to reduce staff turnover:

In many cases, finding new positions for employees can be something that helps increase productivity and satisfaction.

Large-scale corporate reorganizations are generally something that employees fear and with good reason since most efforts to reorganize personnel, lead to some layoffs.

Frequent reorganizations can lead to a culture of fear and uncertainty and encourage staff to seek more stable jobs.

To avoid this situation, we must try to perform frequent changes in employees. Gradually and slow changes are almost always better than those that occur suddenly and on a large scale.

If there is a need to make a significant reorganization throughout the company, moral damage is minimized by clearly communicating to the remaining employees, the reason for such reorganization.

Explaining that their jobs are not in any way jeopardized, excellent communication can help maintain damage to the minimum possible.

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Employees who have a sense of ownership of the organization are less likely to quit their job since they create a sense of ownership by giving them responsibility and then they could make the duties look like another activity.

It is essential then to express appreciation to Workers regularly; success must be rewarded together. Making everyone feels that they contributed to the overall success.

Employees should be offered the option of training in multiple areas, in some instances and in some employees they just want to know about their own work.

Many workers get bored and prefer to challenge themselves to learn new skills, having employees who know more. Benefits so much to the organization as to themselves, in the case of losing an employee occurs, others can intervene and take their place and if the job is to be eliminated. The trained employee can move to a new area thanks to the skills which he acquired.

Employees who resign must be interrogated and find out the reason behind their decision because if employees continue to be allowed to leave without making any effort or action to stop it, a culture that becomes the norm of the company will be effectively created.

Awarding of prizes and rewards for achievements:

Prizes can be for good attendance or economic incentives in exchange for an increase in the company’s productivity, bonuses, or free merchandise.

It is vital to stay away from incentive programs that make employees face each other since the resulting competition can cause tension and bad faith.

The rotation of staff, always causing losses of productivity, investment, and time for a company should avoid falling into the same circle of selection-training-work brief-resignation / dismissal.


It is not recommended to hire personnel only to fill vacancies, although this mentality is continually being carried out. Which causes more wear and tear in the future than if the ideal candidate were hired.

Personnel whose characteristics have been achieved in a shorter time should be employed. In general, they tend to have more experience in years.

There are candidates whose development and learning was faster than others; there are thousands of candidates who do not run for not covering specific years of experience.

You should never treat any person who is in the process of selection badly since it is not known when an applicant can help us with a replacement position.

Sometimes we assume that he will not be seen again if he is not Draws within the profile you wanted at a specific time.

If in the future you want to have the right staff within the company where you work, it is best to be professional and not to perceive a bad face.

Some factors that cause employees to leave:

  • Lack of adaptation to the perceived work environment
  • There is no chemistry between bosses and subordinates.
  • People did not match the company’s goals.
  • Lack of social ability.
  • Most people experience anxiety the first day or week, not knowing how to control, give up, and prefer to leave the post to deal with this situation.
  • The salary was not as they thought.
  • They failed to adapt to the work scheme.
  • The training is adequate, but they continue with doubts, they feel deficient, and that is when they prefer to leave.
  • Excess work for the position they occupy.
  • Payment of low commissions.
  • Improper treatment of the area supervisor.
  • Dirty facilities.
  • Repetitive works.
  • Lack of recognition
  • They don’t finish adjusting to the position; they don’t fit the profile.

Those who leave after three months is because they had not yet entered the organizational culture; They had mostly been looking for a better offer and decided to take it when the opportunity presented itself.

Personnel turnover also depends on your industry. The turnover rate must be compared with similar industries and thus have a measurement parameter that indicates whether the turnover of the company in which they work is high, medium or low, the estimated turnover in the U.S. rate is 15%.

One of the main problems is the company’s management does not give the value that human capital deserves with the one that counts. That, finally, is responsible for attracting business, generating ideas, providing customer services, managing money and meeting external and internal needs within organizations.

About the Author

By admin / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

Follow admin
on Jun 14, 2020

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