Analyzing Microexpressions

Reading and Analyzing Microexpressions!

Visual SciTech EyeMicroexpression

Are quick and involuntary facial expressions that occur as a manifestation of an emotion we are feeling. I will tell you a secret: these allow us to know what the person with whom we are relating is feeling since they are innate and of a universal nature.


Son expresiones faciales rápidas e involuntarias que ocurren como una manifestación de una emoción que estamos sintiendo. Te diré un secreto: estos nos permiten saber qué siente la persona con la que nos relacionamos, ya que son innatos y de naturaleza universal.

Learning to identify them will facilitate your relationships improving the expression of your emotions and with it your needs and in turn those of your partner, friends, family, etc. On the other hand, beneficial advice to know what it is that is feeling a person is to imitate their facial expression.

Aprender a identificarlos facilitará sus relaciones mejorando la expresión de sus emociones y con ello sus necesidades y, a su vez, las de su pareja, amigos, familia, etc. Por otro lado, consejos beneficiosos para saber qué es lo que siente una persona. Es imitar su expresión facial.

This trick allows us to understand that by manipulating our body language we can experience any emotional response we desire. Human has the natural power to generate emotions through our expression.

Este truco nos permite comprender que al manipular nuestro lenguaje corporal podemos experimentar cualquier respuesta emocional que deseamos. El ser humano tiene el poder natural de generar emociones a través de nuestra expresión.

“The most important thing in communication is knowing how to listen to what is not said.”

“Lo más importante en la comunicación es saber escuchar lo que no se dice”.

-Peter Drucker-

Visual SciTech Eye

Analyzing Microexpressions

How many facial expressions are there?

ETC can manage so far, more than 100 different facial expressions have been cataloged, with only six basic emotions identified. Universal and subtle gestures that allow us to read emotions in the face of the person. We are looking at, and form the basis of the rest of facial expressions.

The six basic microexpressions constitute the following:

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The micro-expression of anger concentrates in the upper part of the face, where we go down and put our brows together with frowning brows. The mouth we tend to tighten and tighten, slightly separating the lips and clenching the teeth.

A gesture of anger is to point your chin forward defiantly

Visual SciTech EyeFear

This micro-expression is characterized by tense eyebrows and wide-open eyes to visualize everything we can of our visual field since we perceive danger somewhere.

The lower section of the face the jaw is loose, constituting a behavior also instinctive to allow us to scream and take oxygen.

Visual SciTech EyeJoy

The joy shows with slanted eyes and wrinkles on the outer ends and lower eyelids — a trick: when a person pretends happiness those wrinkles do not form. We will also show the characteristic smile, which the happier we feel, the more we will open until we show our teeth.

Visual SciTech EyeSurprise

It appers by raised and arched eyebrows with wide eyes. In the lower section of your face, the jaw is loose, and the mouth is open.

“In a conversation body language is much more important than verbal and through body language is given a lot of information that we do not say and rarely observe.”

Visual SciTech EyeSadness

Probably is the most complex microexpressions of pretending. It is characterized by low eyebrows that meet subtly in the center. The mouth usually arches it down.

Visual SciTech EyeDisgust

This expression is one of the easiest to identify since all the emotion concentrates between the mouth and the nose. The nose wrinkles and the upper lip rises, often leaving the upper teeth visible. We also show it in personal relationships when we feel disapproval or someone dislikes us.

Since these are very brief facial movements, it is difficult for the person to simulate them or, what is the same, to believe them intentionally. So these expressions are considered the most reliable way to discover the truth in a person.

Also, facial expressions are universal, so they apply to everyone equally regardless of their beliefs or customs.

Visual SciTech EyeThey are involuntary and spontaneous.

As it is about unconsciously made expressions, the person performs them without being aware that others perceived and interpreted them and therefore associated them with attitudes around a situation in progress.

For example, Susan is very afraid of being questioned by her husband since she arrived late home. No matter how hard she tries to calm down, her expression is pale and her lips tremble as soon as he comes, and her gaze becomes exorbitant waiting for the question.

Another example is that we can interpret if a person understood what is being said through a quick reading of the movements he makes with his eyebrows and his brow, and the way he opens his eyes.

If you did not understand the message, your eyebrows would come together with a little more than usual. On the other hand, if he realized, he is more likely to open his eyes a little more, and this raises his eyebrows. If you pay attention, it is very safe to nod, all at the same time.

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Microexpressions are essential because the face is the most visible and exposed of the human body before the eyes of others.

If you know the primary signals of the different facial movements, you can detect a liar or determine if those around you are reliable, optimistic, sure of themselves, if they are uncomfortable, confused or annoying.

It will also serve to self-control your expressions in communication with others.

Visual SciTech Eye

Everything starts by paying attention to the face.

Understanding nonverbal behavior begins with the face. The face has 43 muscles, so many movements can arise from a thought or situation that affects the person positively or negatively.

You can do the test and make a person laugh! See how when you blink open and close your mouth and stretch your skin. You can also scare her and watch her eyes go wild and pale.

It is possible that at this moment you think that learning to read a face is a very complex task. You can improve significantly by using Cheating Detector APP in the art of reading microexpressions.

But, believe it or not, anyone can learn to read a face.

Just pay attention to the small details and start analyzing the people closest to your environment. Because with them it will be simpler to make sure that what you have examined goes hand in hand with the personality of your relatives and their real thoughts.

Visual SciTech EyeEthical Issues about reading Microexpressions

The law protects us from self-incrimination, but micro-expressions can provide the interviewer with the possibility of discovering such incriminating details. Just by what the person inadvertently shows.

The question is whether it is ethical for trained people in detecting microexpressions not to inform those questioned of this invasion in their privacy? Do the alleged perpetrators have the right to wear a ‘mask’ to preserve their protection?

What is more, there are many professionals (lawyers, negotiators, politicians, bankers, counselors, salespeople, etc.). Whose interests are not always ideal, and now they can, without warning, invade the privacy of their interlocutors.

The technology of ETC allows to detect with accuracy 98% of millions of microexpressions in a session and show us results compellingly and straightforwardly.

Knows that this powerful non-verbal communication tool that allows the invasion in a very private area of people’s lives. The feeling that they do not want everyone to know they are experiencing.

And yet, the invasion of this type of privacy serves to uncover deception and contribute to the public good. It helps to tune in and connect with our interlocutor and find us, therefore, in better conditions to improve.

All we can hope for is that all this knowledge will be used to a greater extent by what we consider right. To help people, rather than to harm, deceive or exploit people.

And you, what do you think?

Visual SciTech EyeIdentify a Macro expression.

A macro expression is happening with a gesture that goes along with a feeling and lasts 4 or 5 seconds. Usually, it involves the whole face.

These types of expressions are shown when a person is alone or with a close relative or friend. They last longer than the macro expressions because the person is comfortable in their environment and does not have the need to hide their emotions.

Macro expressions are relatively easy to see if you know what to look for in a person.

Visual SciTech EyeIdentify a Microexpression.

A microexpression is an abbreviated version of the emotional facial expression. They show up on the face in a fraction of a second, sometimes 1/30 of a second. They happen so fast that if you blink, you can lose them.

Usually, micro expressions are a sign of hidden emotions. Sometimes, feelings are not deliberately hidden but process very quick.

There are two neuronal pathways in the brain that regulate facial expressions. These enter a kind of “tug-of-war” with the face when someone is in an emotionally intense situation but tries to hide their feelings.

Visual SciTech EyeStart looking for these expressions in others.

You can develop the ability to read facial expressions, that can benefit people of different professions.

Especially those who work with the public; for example, human resources, therapists, health professionals, professors, researchers, business professionals or anyone interested in improving their interpersonal relationships.

When you can start a conversation with someone, try to establish a baseline of the face (first question of the diagnose). The baseline response should be neutral muscular facial activity when you feel almost nothing or no emotions.

Then, throughout the conversation, look for macro or micro expressions and see if they fit with what the person says (seven questions on the subject).

Nothing replaces being in the same room, face-to-face, breathing the same air and reading and feeling each other´s micro-expressions. Peter Guber

Visual SciTech EyeConfirm your observations carefully.

Being able to read facial expressions do not necessarily reveal the cause of the emotion. It only shows that feeling can occur at that moment.
Do not assume or ask questions based on what you suppose. You can ask “do you want to talk more about that?”. If you suspect that someone is hiding their emotions.

Asking  “Are you sad or upset?”

To a person, you do not know very well or to someone with whom you have a professional relationship can be very invasive and can upset the person. You must be sure that the other person feels comfortable with you before asking questions about your emotions.

If you know the other person well, it could be useful to ask him directly about its feelings if you suspect some negative emotion.

First, you should tell him that you are learning to read facial expressions and that it would be helpful to practice with him or her from time to time.

Be patient.

Having ETC  as a tool or being train to read facial expressions does not give you authority over the feelings of others. You should not assume that you know exactly how they feel without having a conversation previously.

If a person has received bad news (they did not raise it to the position they expected), you may not want to ask “are you upset?” Just because you identified a microexpression of anger. Saying “I am willing to talk about this at the time you want” would be a much better response if you suspect that the other person is upset.

Visual SciTech EyePeople need time to express themselves!

A soft question is perfect to allow them to be ready. People have different ways of communicating. If you believe that a person feels a certain way, it does not mean that they are necessarily willing to talk to you.

Do not assume that someone is lying. If someone’s microexpression contradicts what that person says, it is possible that he is lying. People tend to get excited when they lie for some reasons.

For example for fear of being discovered. Embarrassment or even because they enjoy lying about something they want to avoid.

The Lying questionnaire supported by Checkpoints (Hints). That give us specific points that we must observe to have a Score based on our evaluation.

With the time and interpretation of cases, you can get to have high accuracy in the detection of deception.

Lying Hints (Checkpoints)

About the Author

By admin / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

Follow admin
on Apr 23, 2020

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