Khow How & Who Working Methodology

Khow How & Who Working Methodology Consulting typically involves several distinct phases, each with its own set of tasks and deliverables. Here’s a breakdown of these phases: 1. *Entry or Contracting Phase:*    – *Tasks:*      – Initial meetings and discussions with the client.      – Identification of client needs and problems.      – Agreement on objectives and scope […]

Costs of Hiring the WRONG Staff?

Costs of Hiring the WRONG Staff? Even in a transparent recruitment process that identifies a profile needed for each position, with the necessary skills and knowledge. There is a high chance to have wrong recruitment that generates frustration among HR managers and low customer satisfaction within the company. Costs of Hiring the WRONG Candidate? According […]

Netflix apuesta a las producciones locales para reactivar la economía en México y Latinoamérica Luego del anuncio de la instalación de su oficina principal para Latam en México la apuesta de la compañía de streaming sigue con la creación de producciones locales, dándole continuación a sus series actuales: ‘Control Z’, ‘Luis Miguel, la serie’, ‘Monarca’, ‘La casa de las flores’, entre otras; así como al lanzamiento de estrenos originales. Por medio de […]

Honesty Score – Test & Hints

Honesty Score – Hints The ETC Honesty Score – Test  is a compilation of elements that we call “Checkpoints” that récord the body and verbal reactions of a person when is interrogated and through a detailed observation can be detected if they lie.     Honesty – Hints & Checkpoints ETC Honesty Score – […]

How to reduce Staff turnover with KH&W!

KH&W – Corporate Climate I. Reduce Staff Turnover When dealing with the issue of employee conservation, already undergoing the process of personnel search, hiring, and training. Mergers and Acquisitions and the hiring of highly experienced foreign personnel and at a lower cost. Another aspect that adds to the phenomenon of high turnover. In the US, […]

Human Analytics in Job Interview

Human Analytics in Job Interview Do not miss the opportunity! Rehearsal is the key, and the Emotional Job Interview APP is the perfect tool to improve and get to know yourself better!   Human Analytics in Job Interview   Prepare your Answers Each interviewer has its way of knowing the aspirants, methods, and strategies to […]

KH&W – Personal Data Protection

In line with International Data Protection Regulation, including the European Data Protection Board, KH&W system collects your personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfill a precise purpose related to our tasks. KH&W put in place measures to guarantee that your data are kept up-to-date and processed securely. Here below we provide you with […]

Analyzing Microexpressions

Reading and Analyzing Microexpressions! Microexpression Are quick and involuntary facial expressions that occur as a manifestation of an emotion we are feeling. I will tell you a secret: these allow us to know what the person with whom we are relating is feeling since they are innate and of a universal nature. Microexpressiones Son expresiones […]

Why use a Supervisor Scoring System to evaluate Candidates?

  Scoring System to evaluate a Candidate? Experts say that the “Supervisor” have the “gut feeling” when a Candidate is lying. We all have to listen to our instincts. But there are potential problems trying to analyze and separate emotions. How to defend a lying Candidate or employee? How to support when we do […]

Microexpressions Analysis – KH&W Process

Microexpressions Analysis A micro-expression is the natural result of a voluntary or involuntary emotional response to stimuli. Microexpressions occur when the amygdala is the emotional center of the brain and responds to the stimuli felt by the individual and that the last wishes to hide this specific emotion. Emotions Universality Are the facial expressions universal? The […]

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